

Trusting Mother’s Intuition In Your Business Journey

As moms, we have a lot of moments where we just know something. I don’t know how, and I don’t know why, but I know we can all agree that mother’s intuition is a real thing. Those moments where you just know your kid’s up to something, and walk in the room to find that he’s spread baby powder everywhere. Or that split second your heart sinks right before your daughter falls off a swing. 

There’s no indication that anything was going to go wrong, but somehow… we just know. 

And I think that’s a superpower, especially when it comes to business. So let’s talk about why you should trust your mother’s intuition, especially when it comes to business. 

Being a woman in business is hard. We all know that, and we’ve all experienced it. But the thing is… the exact reasons that so many people like to tell us we can’t succeed in business (or question our commitment to our families) are the same reasons we CAN succeed.

That whole “think with the heart” thing? That’s all our mama heart, coming in and allowing us to empathize. And I promise you, buyers can feel when the person selling something to them is a caring, empathetic soul versus when they aren’t. Honesty and transparency are great values to have and much more prominent in women.

The power of “mom” in the business world

Given the fact that the majority of consumers are women, this leads to some amazing numbers! 

But it’s more than just our empathy. Our ability to read other people makes us extremely smart, savvy businesspeople. 

Think about it, when your kids are really little, you have to become really good at reading them. They can’t tell you what they want or need. But as their mom, it’s my job to figure it out and provide whatever they need (or want). 

That ability to read people like a book has been invaluable in my business journey. Being able to hop on a call with a client and tell when they’re struggling with a certain topic or idea has not only made me a better tax advisor, but a better business owner. 

When my mother’s intuition was right…

The intuition to know exactly how to advise someone business-wise is just like the intuition you have as a mom – it’s sometimes inexplicable. Like my client, Megan, for example. We were having her kickoff tax strategy meeting, but that call morphed into so much more. I don’t know how, but I just knew that she needed to hear what else was on my mind. What started as tax planning and business decisions turned into her creating a new offer, hiring another contractor and setting herself up to make an additional $30-40,000 this year. 

As she was sending me messages over the next month with all that she had implemented and accomplished, the light and excitement in her voice were palpable. That’s what LIGHTS me up y’all! The ideas and strategies I gave her weren’t deeply rooted in tax planning per se. But I sensed that she wanted to hear what I wanted to say – what my intuition told me I NEEDED to say!

And this is why clients are so much more likely to keep coming back to me year after year and refer me to their friends. I make sure they felt listened to and understood and in return provide them with execution, education, and advice. 

The gut strikes gold 

It’s also our gut knowing — that intuition thing I was talking about earlier. 

I’ve also seen women’s intuition help them strike GOLD in their businesses. I know that we all struggle with work-life balance — and I talk about work-life INTEGRATION in Ep. 32 — but I know that your intuition is telling you to keep going.

We have that voice in our heads that tell us our businesses matter, or they’re going to explode if we can commit enough time or resources to it. I’ve had that same intuition! 

And hear me out – it’s freaking HARD to keep going sometimes! It’s SO hard to wake up at 5am and KNOW you need to get 90 minutes of work in before the kids wake up. It’s HARD to fork out $10,000 on a mastermind or other professional advisor in one fell swoop even though you know it’s for your benefit.

But every time I listen to my gut, I see success. And every time I have just that little bit of faith and trust in myself, I see success.

And let me tell you something even crazier… 

My gut, my intuition, has also told me when it’s time to let something go – mind blowing, right!?! Especially as women, we are guilty of fighting to the end. But knowing when to let go of something – an offer, a client, a job, anything – can be so freeing and lead to bigger & better opportunities.

I don’t know how it works or why, but my business is like my fifth baby. I love it, I’m raising it, and I intuitively know what it needs without even saying a word. 

Which is a darn good thing, because my business still hasn’t learned to speak! 

Your special gift

As a mom and a business owner, you have an insanely special gift. Your mother’s intuition will become your greatest business asset if you allow yourself to fully embrace it and go ahead and trust it. 

I really hope you guys liked this blog! I know it’s a bit off my beaten track, but I love listening to my gut so much, and I hope you love listening to yours, too! 

Remember, you don’t have to separate business life and mom life. You can live them both in conjunction! 

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you’ll be notified as soon as the next episode goes live. And if you loved this blog, be sure to leave me a comment and tell me why! See you next week. 


I'm Kimberly

and this is where it all began

As a wife, mom, and business owner, I started this blog as a passion project to share all the things I’ve learned throughout my journey.

To say it’s been a crazy ride would be the understatement of the century, but we have loved sharing our adventures every step of the way.

That’s why I always come back to where it started – this very blog – to continue sharing my tips, tricks, triumphs, and tribulations about all things motherhood, money, business, traveling, and everything in between.

I hope that by sharing these authentic, unfiltered experiences, you can feel seen and heard and learn to embrace the wonder in this messy (but oh, so wonderful) life.


Nighttime Checklist

Disclaimer: We only recommend products that we would use ourselves and all opinions expressed are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that generate a small commission at no additional cost to you.

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